Reminder: Summer School (Camp Explore) Registration ...
Summer School Camp Explore 2025 Registration Deadline Dear Families, We wanted to send a reminder that the registration deadline for Camp Explore, our summer program for current Kinder - 4th grade students, is approaching soon. Our records indicate that your child was recommended by their classroom teacher or school staff. However, we do not yet have a completed registration form. Registration Please make sure to complete Camp Explore registration by March 16, 2025. Given limited space, priority will be given to families who complete registration by the deadline. If you have already completed the registration form, no additional action is needed at this time. (Please note that only one family member needs to complete the registration form.) Click Here to Register We will confirm enrollment in Camp Explore program for all students by March 20, 2025. Camp Explore Program Information Who: Current Kindergarten - 4th Grade Students When: June 16 - July 24, 2025 (5 weeks, 19 days) No school on June 19, and June 30 - July 3 (4th of July week) Monday - Thursday, 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM Where: Gleason Lake Elementary School Provided to Students: Breakfast and Lunch (Free for all) AM and PM Transportation (No mid-day bussing) Students attending Wayzata Kids will also receive transportation Commitment from Families: Ensure students attend at least 17 of the 19 scheduled days. Morning Sessions (8:00 AM - 1:00 PM): Academic focus on reading, writing and math. Instruction based on individual Continual Learning Plan (CLP) goals Afternoon Sessions (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM): Choice-Based Camp Experiences (2 different options) More Information: English | Spanish | Somali Next Steps After families complete the registration process, the following next steps shall occur: If not already completed during February conference, teachers will share Continual Learning Plan (CLP) goals with families for approval by April 17. (Please note that the CLP is a state requirement for participation in this summer program.) Families will select PM Camp options for their students by May 1. Please look for a communication in mid April. Families who have also signed up for Wayzata Kids for the summer can make adjustments to their Wayzata Kids registration by May 1. Questions Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions - send an email to CampExplore@wayzataschools.org. Important Links District Website District News Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram Address: 13305 12th Ave N, Plymouth, MN 55441 Phone: 763-745-5000
Monday, Mar 10 2025
T&L March Newsletter
March 2025 It’s hard to believe we’re already diving into planning for the 2025-26 school year! As we enter hiring season, we encourage you to keep an eye out for new opportunities within the district—whether for yourself or someone you know who may be interested in joining our team. Click here to see current job postings. Professional Learning We have two professional learning days coming up in March. Be on the lookout for the March 14 professional learning schedule from your building. On March 28, 2025, Choice PL will be taking place in the morning for secondary staff and in the afternoon for elementary staff. Thanks to many teacher leaders, we will be able to offer a variety of professional learning sessions, including sessions that meet various relicensure requirements. You will receive registration information via email early this month. Below are some links to relicensure-related resources you might find helpful: License Renewal Conditions License Renewal Requirements Chart Still need to complete some relicensure requirements? Check out the “CEU Options for WPS Staff” document for more information. At-Home Learning At-Home Learning - SECONDARY Middle school and high school students will engage in at-home learning on March 14. Please review the expectations and responsibilities as you are planning lessons and learning activities for that day. Middle school Flex Learning Day Expectations High School Flex Learning Day Expectations At-Home Learning - ELEMENTARY Our next At-Home Learning Day is on Friday, March 14, 2025. The teacher’s guide is available on the T&L Intranet: Curricular Resources → Elementary (K-5) → Additional Resources and also linked here. Please read the teacher’s guide carefully to familiarize yourself with the expectations. The teacher’s guide contains links to specific grade-level documents, directions for preparing materials, and essential communication for students. Materials will arrive at the buildings this week. Please help support At-Home Learning communication by adding a message to your newsletter or sending an email to your families. Feel free to use this example of what to include. Women's History Month - Teacher Resources We celebrate Women's History Month in March. In February 1980, President Carter issued the first Presidential Proclamation declaring the week of March 8, 1980, as National Women’s History Week. By 1986, 14 states had declared March as Women’s History Month. This momentum was used to lobby Congress to declare the entire month of March as National Women’s History Month in 1987. Dr. Gerda Learner, one of the founders of the academic field of Women’s History, said, “Women’s history is a women’s right—an essential, indispensable heritage from which we can draw pride, comfort, courage, and long-range vision.” Check out the classroom and teacher resources on the Teaching & Learning staff intranet. Science: Five-Minute Professional Learning Micro-Inquiry Tasks to IGNITE Curiosity Looking for new ideas to “ignite” thinking during your science lessons? Enter micro-inquiry tasks. These brief, focused activities act as curiosity catalysts, designed specifically to open units of study by focusing on core concepts and making them relatable to students’ experiences, backgrounds, or interests. Quick inquiry tasks are strategically implemented at the beginning of each unit, so students encounter them throughout the academic year. Want to know more? If you have two minutes, view the infographic If you have five minutes, read this Edutopia article. Reviewing Educational Apps in Mosyle Self Service The Teaching & Learning and Technology teams are collaborating to review the 1,300+ applications currently available in our Mosyle Self Service portal. Our goal is to streamline the list by removing apps that are no longer in use or do not align with our instructional priorities. We aim to complete this review by the end of the school year, ensuring a more curated selection of apps for the next school year. We will keep you updated on our progress and may seek your input on apps requiring further review. In the meantime, if you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to askTL@wayzataschools.org. Elementary Literacy Leadership Team & CCC Literacy Leadership Team Dives into Unit and Assessment Planning in the New CCC Curriculum The 3-5 ELA Leadership Team met on February 26. The group engaged in a process that many participants plan to take back to their PLCs. This process helped teams identify essential learning in a unit, and identified opportunities for formative assessment and responsive instructional decision making. Feedback from the group was very positive, and included reactions like this: “I would like to bring back the process of looking at the next unit and incorporating protocols within instruction. I think this forward thinking would have a big impact on instruction and student learning.” The process can be completed in 45 minutes or less. Consider reaching out to your literacy coach and/or Leadership Team member with questions. Your literacy coach would be happy to schedule time to dig into your next unit. Peer Coaching Update We are excited to announce that after screening 33 highly talented Wayzata teacher leaders, the following teachers will be your new peer coaches starting in the 2025-26 school year: Laurel Borreson (WHS) who will serve as a Peer Coach/AWE Coordinator Joseph Hannon (EMS) Kristine Miska (EMS) Tara Parsons (CMS) Natalie Petersen (GW) On behalf of the interview team, thank you to all teachers who took the time to share their skills and talents with us. Special thanks also to the teachers and leaders who gave their time to the hiring process. Important Links Email: askTL@wayzataschools.org Web: T&L Staff Intranet Connect: T&L Contacts | T&L Org Chart Social: Follow us on Instagram
Monday, Mar 03 2025
Newsletter Header Subtitle for context Share important updates Paragraph blocks are great for explaining information with more detail. Three to four sentences in a paragraph block would be ideal. Keep in mind that lengthy paragraphs over one thousand characters can feel like a lot to read. You want your viewers to love engaging with your content–we’ll make it easy to create.
Tuesday, Feb 25 2025
Summer School (Summer Learning Academy) Registration...
Summer School Summer Learning Academy 2025 Registration Information Dear Families, At our recent February conferences, your child's teacher or school staff made a recommendation for our summer learning program for students in 5th through 7th grade - Summer Learning Academy. We wanted to provide additional information about the program and share registration information. Please note that enrollment in Summer Learning Academy is by invitation only based on academic criteria reviewed by school staff. Summer Learning Academy Program Information Who: Current 5th - 7th Grade Students When: July 7 - July 31, 2025 (4 weeks, 16 days) Monday - Thursday, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM Where: East Middle School Provided to Students: Breakfast and Lunch (Free for all) AM and PM Transportation (No mid-day bussing) Commitment from Families: Ensure students attend at least 14 of the 16 scheduled days. Classes: Targeted focus on reading, writing, math and science. Instruction based on individual Continual Learning Plan (CLP) goals More Information: English | Spanish | Somali Registration Please make sure to complete Summer Learning Academy registration by March 16, 2025. Given limited space, priority will be given to families who complete registration by the deadline. If you have already completed the registration form, no additional action is needed at this time. (Please note that only one family member needs to complete the registration form.) Click Here to Register We will confirm enrollment in the Summer Learning Academy program by the end of April. Questions Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions - send an email to SLA@wayzataschools.org. Important Links District Website District News Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram Address: 13305 12th Ave N, Plymouth, MN 55441 Phone: 763-745-5000
Tuesday, Feb 25 2025
Summer School (Camp Explore) Registration Information
Summer School Camp Explore 2025 Registration Information Dear Families, At our recent February conferences, your child's teacher made a recommendation for our summer learning program for students in Kindergarten through 4th grade - Camp Explore. We wanted to provide additional information about the program and share registration information. Please note that enrollment in Camp Explore is by invitation only based on academic criteria reviewed by school staff. Camp Explore Program Information Who: Current Kindergarten - 4th Grade Students When: June 16 - July 24, 2025 (5 weeks, 19 days) No school on June 19, and June 30 - July 3 (4th of July week) Monday - Thursday, 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM Where: Gleason Lake Elementary School Provided to Students: Breakfast and Lunch (Free for all) AM and PM Transportation (No mid-day bussing) Students attending Wayzata Kids will also receive transportation Commitment from Families: Ensure students attend at least 17 of the 19 scheduled days. Morning Sessions (8:00 AM - 1:00 PM): Academic focus on reading, writing and math. Instruction based on individual Continual Learning Plan (CLP) goals Afternoon Sessions (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM): Choice-Based Camp Experiences (2 different options) More Information: English | Spanish | Somali Registration Please make sure to complete Camp Explore registration by March 16, 2025. Given limited space, priority will be given to families who complete registration by the deadline. If you have already completed the registration form, no additional action is needed at this time. (Please note that only one family member needs to complete the registration form.) Click Here to Register We will confirm enrollment in Camp Explore program for all students by March 20, 2025. Next Steps After families complete the registration process, the following next steps shall occur: If not already completed during February conference, teachers will share Continual Learning Plan (CLP) goals with families for approval by April 17. (Please note that the CLP is a state requirement for participation in this summer program.) Families will select PM Camp options for their students by May 1. Please look for a communication in mid April. Families who have also signed up for Wayzata Kids for the summer can make adjustments to their Wayzata Kids registration by May 1. Questions Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions - send an email to CampExplore@wayzataschools.org. Important Links District Website District News Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram Address: 13305 12th Ave N, Plymouth, MN 55441 Phone: 763-745-5000
Tuesday, Feb 25 2025