Meet Tom Zagorski, Sr Software Engineer/Team Lead here at ParentSquare! Tom is a senior software engineer and team lead of the product development team, which means, along with writing code and maintaining the app, he also helps plan new features and assist developers on the team.
If you had to teach a subject, what would it be?
Do you have any pets?
We’ve got a longhaired Dachshund named Gracie. She loves attention and sleeping in laps.
What are you most likely doing on a Saturday afternoon?
Playing in the yard with the kids or working on a project around the house. Unless Sporting KC is playing. In which case, I’m most likely at the game or watching on TV.
Would you rather explore a new planet or the deepest part of the ocean? Why?
New planet. The infinite possibilities of the cosmos have always fascinated me.
Favorite movie and/or book?
Jurassic Park. Because “it’s a unix system! I know this!”
What is the nerdiest thing you do in your free time?
Building little apps to learn new techniques and frameworks that I can use to keep track of different things around the house.
One thing you cannot live without?
My family. I love being a husband, dad, and step-dad.
What are some small things that make your day better?
The smile on my son’s face when he’s running toward me in his walker always brings me to my happy place. Those little hugs when I’m carrying him are great, too. I didn’t realize how amazing life could be until I held that little guy.
Any memorable ParentSquare moment?
Joining the team as COVID restrictions were starting to become reality. Even though I couldn’t go to the office to meet everyone, it still felt incredibly natural and like the whole thing was meant to be since everyone was going to be working from home for a while.
Favorite restaurant?
Joe’s KC. I’m a proud Kansas Citian, so I love my barbecue.
What do you like most about working for ParentSquare?
The fact that I get to create software that helps busy parents just like me.
Tom has been at ParentSquare since March 2, 2020.