As we enter the first few months of the school year, great communication is key to creating a close classroom community with engaged students and parents.
What are the best ways to communicate with families during distance and hybrid learning? How can educators tackle school-home communication during a pandemic and other crises? How can schools use communication to stay connected and build a sense of community?
This month, we delved into these topics and more! Check out this month’s Learning Network resources:
Webinar: “Serving Your K-12 Community During a Crisis and Beyond” with guest presenter Melanie Corona, PIO of Gilroy USD
Blog posts: “How to Engage Your Classroom Parents with Positive Messages [7 Best Practices]”
Twitter Chat: September 30 moderated by Rachelle Dene Poth. Check out the chat here!
Questions discussed
What are some of the crisis situations you’ve had to communicate about with families?
What are some important considerations for communicating between home and school during a crisis?
What must we avoid when communicating in the midst of a crisis?
What resources do you have to share to help others with creating their communication plans?
Join our Facebook Group to be part of the conversation and check out the ParentSquare Learning Network website to see content on all topics!