Aside from academic learning, so much of our students’ development relies on interaction with others and hands-on learning. With the growing prevalence of technology, it can often feel impossible to cut down on screen time and focus on face-to-face human connection.
As the holiday season approaches, how can we help set the stage for a winter break filled with experiences, learning opportunities and quality time with family? How can we incorporate this balance between screen time and face-to-face interaction throughout the year, both in and out of the classroom?
This month we delved into these topics and more! Check out this month’s Learning Network resources:
Webinar: “How Can Schools Encourage Time for Family in the Digital Age?” with guest presenter Melody McAllister
Blog post: “Stir It Up! The Power of Teaching Your Students to Cook” by Claire Berger
Twitter chat: Dec 18 moderated by Amy Moran. Check out the chat here!
Questions discussed
What events and activities does your school put forth to promote family time?
How can we, as educators, help facilitate quality time in the digital world?
Do you think sending positive information home can help with family bonding? What positive information do you send home?
What kind of messages do you or your school send home that encourage conversation?
Join our Facebook Group to be part of the conversation and check out the ParentSquare Learning Network website to see content on all topics!