When schools reopen, we won’t be going back to the old, school-parent relationship we had before.
As you plan and prepare for next school year, how are you going to approach family engagement?
What can educators and schools do to support student success through family engagement as new navigate learning during a pandemic?
This month we delved into these topics and more. Check out this month’s Learning Network resources:
Webinar: “Looking Forward: Engaging Families When Schools Reopen” with guest presenter Steve Constantino
Blog post: “Crisis Learning: Managing Demands of Educating and Parenting During Quarantine” by Brandon Burns
Twitter chat: May 20 moderated by Amy Moran. Check out the chat here!
Questions discussed
How have parent-teacher-school relationships changed, since the shift to remote learning?
What are some ways you have engaged and supported families since school closure?
How do you communicate enough but not too much with families? How do you avoid overwhelm?
What are personal and empathetic ways to find out how families are doing? Other than straight out asking?
Join our Facebook Group to be part of the conversation and check out the ParentSquare Learning Network website to see content on all topics!