*Featured ParentSquare Post* Top 5 Things To Do This Summer

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This post was shared on ParentSquare by a teacher from Franklin Virtual High School, a fully accredited, online high school serving students all over the world. For more information, please visit franklinvirtualschools.com.

I am a lifelong learner, and I have always wanted to know more and more. I like to travel and explore new places. I am passionate about different cultures, art, architecture, and learning about new places and people. Below are some recommendations for how to spend your summer.

1.    Expand Your Knowledge by Reading Something Interesting

The Higgs Boson and Big Bang Theory are two topics that you can research on the Internet for days. The Higgs Boson is a subatomic particle discovered by Peter Higgs from the UK and Francois Englert from Belgium. They made the discovery in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in CERN, Switzerland. They won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2013 for this discovery. For more on the Higgs particle, check out the Scientific American e-book, The Higgs Boson: Searching for the God Particle.

2.    Visit a New Country

Visiting a new country is always a great experience. This summer I visited Germany for the first time, and it was awesome. I took a cruise on the Main River in Frankfurt, had a blast watching the Stuttgart Ballet perform Don Quixote, and visited museums of contemporary art. Germans are very friendly, and the food is great! I especially liked the pretzels and Lindt chocolate. I will revisit for sure.

3.    Visit Museums

Visiting museums is my preferred activity throughout the whole year. I look for them wherever I stop while on a trip. This summer I had the opportunity to visit Kunstmuseum in Stuttgart. As you can see in the picture, during the day it looks like a glass cube, and at night the interior lighted limestone walls become visible.

4.    Get Together With School Peers and Old Friends

Organize or participate in school reunions. I had my high school reunion in Romania this year. The theme was “Forever Young,” and we had a great time. It was exciting to see my peers coming from different countries and different continents, to see my HRT who also happened to be my math teacher, and to hear plenty of success stories.

5.    Reconnect With Family Members

It is always great to visit family members whom you haven’t seen for a long time. I recently visited my cousin whom I had not seen in more then 20 years. I got together with his big family, with kids and grandkids, and we recalled funny episodes from when we were young.

Whatever you do for fun this summer, please share your photos and stories with us!

Teacher from Franklin Virtual High School

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