Introducing the Administrative True Reach Dashboards

ParentSquare-Dashboards.gifYour school’s ParentSquare is the central hub for all school related interactions with your parents so it is important that all student families are connected to ParentSquare.

To help you get to 100% reach easily with the least amount of work on your end, we’re excited to share with you, our new True Reach Dashboards for administrators.

ParentSquare syncs directly with your school’s SIS and the first ParentSquare post to your school can give you valuable insight about the validity of the contact data in your SIS.

No Contact Info are students where you have no contact info in your SIS for the student. Non-Contactable are student families where you are unable to reach either parent via email or text.

Now, administrative staff can easily see which families they need to track down to quickly update family contact data.

How to Access: Click ‘Admin’ menu to instantly see statistics.

This school year we will be working on this dashboard to add more details based on your feedback and our experience working with schools like yours. Please let us know what would be helpful for you.

Are you a new school or district interested in learning more about the administrative dashboard? Click here.

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