Parent Engagement Insights | April 2018

Using Data to Achieve Goals

This month I want you to think about what you would do with good quantifiable data around parent engagement. Parent Engagement, as we know, can be hard to quantify, but join me in taking the first steps and opening the door to quantifiable parent engagement data. Many months ago, we brought you the basics, in a smarter way. Now we bring you extensive data on school use of technology for engaging parents and parent interaction with it.

Our next and lofty target is to come up with a bold ‘Parent Engagement Score’ for your school and district, and we are confident we will get there, with your help. As the expert, take a look and share your opinion with us. We love to learn!

Food For Thought

Edutopia | Improving Your Parent-Outreach Strategy
Effective communication between educators and parents is an important aspect of helping students learn. Use these communication tools to keep parents in the loop, reduce your workload, and boost student engagement.

[INFOGRAPHIC] 5 Strategies for Effective Parent Engagement Using Today’s Technology
We’ve all heard that the more parents are involved in the education process, the better the chances of success are for their children. Take a look at these 5 strategies to help improve parent engagement using today’s technology.

Room Parents to the Rescue! 
By enlisting help from room parents, you as a teacher can free up time spent on organizational and logistic tasks and instead focus on what matters most – maximizing time with students! Read how room parents can help you, and how ParentSquare can help room parents.


Case Study

Aspire Public Schools

Problem: Aspire needed a more productive platform for administrators and schools to create an environment where parents feel valued and where a consistent line of communication is open to academic progress and student issues.

Solution: In an effort to build a community in the Los Angeles area and enhance the quality of involvement and communication among Aspire Schools’ parents, administrators implemented ParentSquare, a simple two-way communication platform designed to reach and engage every parent.  Read More >> 

“The data is clear that parent engagement is directly correlated to a child’s attendance and academic success. ParentSquare gives parents something that shows them that the school values the needs of the family. By opening the lines of communication about these issues, Aspire is further reinforcing why a partnership mindset and parental involvement is so important when critical issues arise.”
– Kate Ford, Los Angeles Area Superintendent

Product Highlights

New Parent Engagement Dashboards
This new dashboard provides administrators with real-time data that allows districts, networks, and schools to hone in on specific areas where you can leverage, tweak or optimize.

Online Permission Slips
ParentSquare Permission Slips will make teachers and administrators’ job easier by allowing them to electronically create, send and receive approval from parents in minutes!

Upcoming Webinars

Groups – Streamline, Forums, and Best Practices
April 12, 2018 | 11:30a PST
Let us show you how to streamline your communications to your school community with the effective use of Groups. Learn the different ways to set up groups, how to effectively use group forums as well as various categories to manage groups.
Register Now >>

Volunteer and Wish List Sign Ups
April 26, 2018 | 11:30 am PST
School communities always need help. Parents want to help, but don’t always know how. Learn how you can use the collective strengths and resources of your school community to share with parents so that they can help.
Register Now >>

Upcoming Events

Learn more about ParentSquare today: Demo Calendar | 888.496.3168

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