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Nicholas Peralez: Data Engineer

Meet Nicholas Peralez, Data Engineer here at ParentSquare!

He works closely with customer support to ensure your school data is consistently imported properly from its source, such as your student information system.

What are three things still left on your bucket list?

See the northern lights, visit Angkor Wat, and complete a full triathlon. Seeing the northern lights has always been a dream of mine since I was a child. When studying abroad in Thailand, I wasn’t able to travel to Cambodia so I missed out on visiting Angkor Wat. And in college, I only completed a half triathlon so it’d be satisfying to one day say I finished a full triathlon.

Favorite book?

A Song of Ice and Fire (a.k.a. Game of Thrones). The level of detail George R.R. Martin places into his fictional characters is impressive to say the least. I own his published Game of Thrones history book and I’m always in awe of how much time and dedication he’s placed into a single story line that’s captured the attention of so many fans.

Would you rather explore a new planet or the deepest part of the ocean?

A new planet. I’m completely fascinated and mesmerized with anything relating to space or the universe. Exploring a new planet is a bucket list item I could never dream of completing but would seize on instantly if I ever could.

Nick and his younger brother Brandan after his little league superbowl win this past year

If you could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be?

Einstein. Two reasons:

One, he produced theories that have held the test of time and for the most part have yet to be disproven. To talk with such an intelligent individual would be fascinating!

Two, I mean it’s Einstein. Most of us know him as a genius, but what did he think of from day to day? What were his little joys, and what would he hope most people remember him for? I’d like an opportunity to separate the myth from the man.

If you could dedicate your life to solving one problem, what would it be?

Finding a solution to the modern world’s trash problem. Waste is such a crucial problem to solve as soon as possible for us and all future generations. One step at a time though and I think it could be possible to solve in the future.

What do you like most about working for ParentSquare?

I most enjoy the high level of quality the team is constantly striving for. Within the first 5 minutes of setting foot in our office, it’s easy to see that ParentSquare is an impressive team of talented, passionate, and kind hearted individuals all focused on delivering an exceptional product. It’s comforting to see the level of freedom and creativity we’re offered here to work our best. I’m honored to have been given an opportunity to flourish here, and I can’t wait to help ParentSquare grow and scale to the best of its abilities.

Nick has been at ParentSquare since February 25th, 2019.

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