Mike Inglehart: Director of Engineering

Meet Mike Inglehart, our Director of Engineering! He helps to manage the engineering team and projects, with an emphasis on the mobile app.

Where did you grow up?

Except for 3 years living overseas (Saudi Arabia and Australia) for work, I’ve always lived in Southern CA. LA area until high school, Orange County high school through college, and Santa Barbara since graduation.

Do you have any pets?

Two dogs: Bingo (13) and Dug (5 months)

What are three things still left on your bucket list?

6-month road trip all over the US

Live for 6 months in Italy

Watch “Frozen”

Mike’s college days playing baseball for UC Irvine. Picture from 1983

If you could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be?

George Clooney. Oh man, my wife would be sooooooo jealous!

What are some small things that make your day better?

My programmable coffee maker

Waking up to someone who thinks I’m amazing (I’m referring to my dog, of course)

Favorite quote?

Not sure I have a favorite, but there are a number of them I really like with this theme: “You probably wouldn’t worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do.” ― Olin Miller

Favorite movie?

Nacho Libre.

Mike backpacking in the sierras with his youngest son, Nicolis.

One thing you cannot live without?

Trader Joe’s dark chocolate peanut butter cups.

What do you like most about working for ParentSquare?

The small, but passionate team and the opportunity to have a direct impact on our users’ lives.

Mike has been at ParentSquare since September 3, 2018.

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