Linn Sillers: Co-Founder & Sales Director

Meet Linn Sillers, Co-Founder & Sales Director here at ParentSquare. Given the long history with the company, Linn has been involved in almost every department. She says, “I think I have done just about everything at ParentSquare besides coding, and I promise not to go there, lol!” Currently, Linn is hyper-focused on expanding sales across charter networks nationwide, plus introducing the ParentSquare platform to schools and districts in states where there is still little to no ParentSquare presence. Linn also guides new sales team members on product positioning and best practices.

If you could be one fictional character, who would you be & why?

Captain Marvel. My boys went through a phase and called me Captain Marvel, and they even made me dress up like her one Halloween. I took that as a sign that they find me pretty cool :). I believe in strong female heroes saving the day, and that they are everywhere around us! As a matter of fact, we have a whole bunch of them working right here at ParentSquare!

In what ways are you the same as your childhood self?

Do I go deep and philosophical here…or stay on the surface? For starters, I love candy and ice cream and I have a hard time sitting still for too long, both as a child and as an adult. I try to cut sugar out as best I can these days, but not sitting still is working in my favor as I love exercising, hiking, and being on the move. On a more philosophical level, I have always kept my “glass-half-full” mentality and curiosity and excitement about life.

Any memorable ParentSquare moment?

Being at my second trade show ever, and having customers come up and hug me telling me ParentSquare changed their lives! I mean, when does that ever happen?! It was amazing and the best part of it all is that it continues to happen!!! 🙂

Favorite restaurant?

El Encanto in Santa Barbara! The view and atmosphere are out-of-this-world amazing!

Do you have any pets?

My three kids keep me so busy that I have tried to stay away from pets. I thought I was being a good mom when I gave in and got an aquarium with guppies, it started with four, now we have about 20! When my middle son turned nine, he wished for a baby bearded dragon lizard. His name is Oscar, and he is very friendly but absolutely giant by now. Lastly, when my oldest son turned 12, all he wanted was a bunny! So we adopted a two-year-old litter box-trained five-pound rabbit named Tater Tot from a nearby shelter. He is adorable and wanders around the house just like a cat. So much for not wanting pets around, I might as well get a dog now :). Just waiting for my youngest to ask for one!

Where did you grow up?

I was born and raised in Sweden and come from a small town called Linköping. I am used to the four seasons, the rain, the cold, and a pretty simple lifestyle. I arrived in the US (CA) in 1995 for the first time, and it was just like in the movies. The beaches, the palm trees! I had to pinch myself over and over again.

What are you most likely doing on a Saturday afternoon?

I am either cooking, catering, and hanging out with my three boys and a few bonus kids, or I’m playing golf or walking for miles along the beach or heading for a hike up the mountains.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go & why?

I still love Europe and its history, and every time I go back I feel grounded, so that’s where I’d be heading.

Favorite movie and/or book?

Moulin Rouge. I know it’s a musical, but I love dancing, I love music, I love singing, and I absolutely ADORE Nicole Kidman, she has been my favorite actress for as long as I can remember.

If you could magically gain one talent, what would it be?

I am terrible at remembering names and admire those who can, so that would be a good talent for me I feel. Now, if we’re talking “superhero talents,” it would be teleportation, so I could go visit family and friends in Sweden whenever I feel like it.

What do you like most about working for ParentSquare?

Do I have to pick one? There are so many things…how about I narrow it down to three. One: The education industry itself – the people I meet are absolutely amazing and I admire their passion and dedication. Two: Our product – it’s so rewarding to see the difference we make, it’s truly a solid solution for schools. Being an end-user myself with three kids in elementary/middle school, I don’t know what I would do without ParentSquare. Three: Our TEAM! – I have never been at a company with this much talent and personality!

Linn has been at ParentSquare since September 30, 2014.

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