Jack Wells: CMS, Smart Sites Developer

Meet Jack Wells, A Smart Sites Developer!

If you had to teach a subject, what would it be?

Math. I hated math until I got a good teacher and realized how useful and interesting math really is. If I had to teach a subject I would want to be that person for someone else.

Do you have any pets? If so – what kind? What are their names?

I have a dog (Great Pyrenees) name Inu San and a cat name Spooky D Nellie.

Favorite restaurant?

Monta Ramen

What are you most likely doing on a Saturday afternoon?

Finding an interesting restaurant or playing table top games with friends.

Would you rather explore a new planet or the deepest part of the ocean? Why?

The deep ocean because there is some really strange stuff down there that needs explaining.

What’s your favorite holiday & why?

Halloween. Candy and Horror. It’s perfect.

Favorite movie and/or book?

Favorite movies are The Thing and Princess Mononoke.

If you could time travel, where would you go & why?

I would go visit with early humanity. Find out how they built all the crazy stuff they made. See if they were really out here talking to gods and aliens and all that.

What is the nerdiest thing you do in your free time?

Probably play MTG and D&D but I do plenty of nerdy things its hard to know.

One thing you cannot live without?

Food. Even if I could physically survive without food I would die without being able to eat it.

What do you like most about working for ParentSquare?

The security of having a well paying job while working in an environment that encourages growth and happiness in your work.

Jack has been with ParentSquare since November 15, 2022.

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