Question: Do You Think Most Parents in Your Class Work With Their Kids at Home?
Research shows that parent participation is linked to
improved student behavior and achievement.
Unfortunately, most parents aren’t sure how to best help their child be successful in school. Here’s how teachers can help.
Give Parents Opportunities To Observe and Participate in Their Children’s Class
This can include helping you in group rotations, going on field trips or simply sitting in a corner and sorting papers. Make sure you let parents know about these opportunities several times during the school year.
Communicate With Parents About What They Can Talk To Their Children
This can be as easy as sending 3 questions home every week. Encourage parents to ask questions even if they do not know the answers themselves.
It is easy to post a message in ParentSquare, just select your class name, write your message and send. If you need step-by-step-instructions, visit
Teacher’s guide in Help & Feedback
or if easier, recruit a parent to post it for you.