Do teachers at your school communicate with parents?

Do they hesitate because they feel they cannot reach every family in their class or because they are not bilingual or simply because it takes too much time? How do they communicate?

Printed Flyers: Some teachers print and send papers home. It takes time to print, stuff in folders and then later collect responses. Paper may not even make it to the parents especially parents of kids in upper grades.  Plus it is not green or economical. For a school of 500 kids, one flyer can cost up to $50.   

Emails: Some teachers communicate via email but not all families use email. Emails may not work for busy parents and can get buried in the inbox if not read or responded to right away. Also, email newsletters are a great vehicle for one-way communication but two-way with emails can get hard to manage.  

Teacher Websites: Some teachers create a teacher website in the beginning of the school year. But they find it tough to maintain as the year progresses primarily because they have no way of knowing if parents are even reading the information that they are posting. 

Texts: Some teachers rely on texts for alerts and reminders. Texts may reach all parents but for the usual longer messages, texting does not work. Texting solution should provide a way for parents to read the complete long message from teachers.

SIS/ LMS Parent Portals: Teachers already use SIS/ LMS tools for grades, attendance and homework. Some of these provide parent portals but they are not easy to use for classroom communication or provide for parent participation.

Shutterfly: Some teachers use Shutterfly sites but they do not work for teachers who are not tech savvy. Parents do not appreciate visiting a site and logging in to read every message. And it does not work well for parents with multiple kids.

ParentSquare replaces each one of these tools you use to keep parents informed and involved. ParentSquare is simpler than email and totally revolutionizes communication at your classes and school with auto notification via email or text or app, auto language translation, sign ups, and more. 

Visit to learn more. We welcome even the briefest, simplest questions.

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