Meet Christy Burnette, one of our Customer Success Managers here at ParentSquare!
Favorite quote?
“Let everything you do, be done as if it makes a difference.” – William James
If you could magically gain one talent, what would it be?
Singing – I really enjoy music and singing, but I most definitely wasn’t gifted this talent. Just ask my family and friends!
What words of wisdom would you pass onto your childhood self?
That math REALLY is used after high school and college!
Do you have any pets? If so – what kind? What are their names?
We currently have a Maltese named Pearl, who is all of 5 pounds and knows she is a spoiled little princess.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Lincoln, NE and have lived here most of my life, but was fortunate to live in Colorado for a few years too.
What are you most likely doing on a Saturday afternoon?
We love being outdoors, so preferably something outside. When it’s warmer out, we bike and kayak, and when it’s colder, we snowshoe and do some trails and hiking. We also love working on home improvement projects.
What’s your favorite holiday & why?
Christmas for sure! I love all the decorating, baking, family and friend gatherings and making gifts that have meaning.
If you had to teach a subject, what would it be?
Kindergarten/Literacy because I love reading and strongly believe it’s the foundation for all learning to occur and for students to be successful beyond their education years. Reading books gives students the ability to learn about other places, people and things, and lets them know there is an entire world out there to explore.
Favorite movie and/or book?
DaVinci Code
What teacher impacted you the most? Why?
Mrs. Slominksi in 3rd grade because her passion was her students. She would use all her experiences and travels to bring the world back to us to share and learn. Her pictures, her stories, etc. were always applied to lessons. She saw CATS in New York and from that she helped us make costumes, learn the songs and memorize the play to perform for parents. She was also an entrepreneur and instilled the idea that anything was possible.
What do you like most about working for ParentSquare?
The culture and the people that have created it!
Christy has been at ParentSquare since January 10, 2022.