Chris Prince: Regional Sales Director

Meet Chris Prince! Chris is a Regional Sales Director overseeing sales in the Southwest.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Peanut butter, specifically Nutter Butters. I’d be interested in conducting (and being the lead participant in) an experiment where I lived on Nutter Butters for 30 days (to start).

Favorite family tradition?

Salami and Eggs on Christmas morning.

If you had to teach a subject, what would it be?

Political Science…I get kinda geeky about it.

Chris and his family

Do you have any pets? If so – what kind? What are their names?

I’m an animal lover. I’ve got 3 dogs; all rescues. My Mom made it very clear from an early age that doing anything other than saving a dog from a shelter would not fly in our house.

What are you most likely doing on a Saturday afternoon?

During the Fall, I hope you’ll find me either watching or closely monitoring college football.

What’s your favorite holiday & why?

MLK Jr. Day. Perspective.

Favorite quote?

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” MLK Jr.

In what ways are you the same as your childhood self?

I still don’t like to lose.

What is the nerdiest thing you do in your free time?

I nerd out on high school football recruiting.

If you could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be?

My Mom. She died June 15, 2022.

What do you like most about working for ParentSquare?

I’ve been admiring ParentSquare from afar for a few years. It’s only been a few days, and besides the phenomenal product platform, the team culture stands out in a big way.

Chris has been at ParentSquare since August 15, 2022.

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