Meet Andrew Neese, he is an Associate Software Engineer for Smart Sites!
Where did you grow up?
McKinney, Tx, Sulphur, Ok, and Madill, Ok.
Do you have any pets? If so – what kind? What are their names?
French Bulldog and her name is Thotti.
If you had to teach a subject, what would it be?
Math because it almost always has just one answer and my brain just works better with numbers and equations.
What are you most likely doing on a Saturday afternoon?
Hanging out with my wife and hopefully doing something fun, like trying a new restaurant or watching a movie.
Would you rather explore a new planet or the deepest part of the ocean? Why?
A new planet since it’s completely new and I would like to travel through space.
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Cracker Barrel breakfast.
If you could be one fictional character, who would you be & why?
Batman from the dark knight series, because he is humble but also rich.
What’s your favorite holiday & why?
Christmas because it’s the celebration of my Lord’s birth, family comes together, and presents.
What is the nerdiest thing you do in your free time?
Write code and play a few video games.
Favorite quote?
Philippians 1:21 “for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain”
What do you like most about working for ParentSquare?
How easy going everyone is.
Andrew has been with ParentSquare since November 2, 2022.