We moved! New Home for the ParentSquare Learning Network

We launched the ParentSquare Learning Network in 2019 as a place for educators to learn and share school-home communications best practices. But as ParentSquare continues to grow, we decided to merge our ParentSquare Learning Network into our general ParentSquare website. You still have access to all of the Learning Network’s fantastic resources, but you can now more easily find them! 

We know it’s more important than ever before for educators, staff, admin, parents, and students to communicate effectively. With the various learning scenarios students face, staying connected isn’t just another assignment, it’s a lifeline for many. Schools and Districts have to ensure they’re communicating effectively, and we want to support that. 

The ParentSquare Learning Network will continue to be a space where educators can learn, collaborate, and discuss school-home communication best practices. We offer a wonderful community of peers, actionable ideas, bi-monthly PD webinars, monthly comms tips, and thought leadership, now all located on our new ParentSquare Learning Network page on the main ParentSquare website.

However, we are going to stand down the ParentSquare Learning Network Facebook Group. Unfortunately, this group did not get the traction we hoped for, so we will focus our efforts on what’s the most popular and providing the most value to our K-12 community! If you’re currently a member of our Facebook Group, look out for an update there very soon. 

We want to thank Rachelle Dene Poth for her leadership and expertise as the ParentSquare Learning Network Director. Rachelle is a huge reason why the ParentSquare Learning Network developed into such an incredible collection of resources with so many talented contributors. Thank you, Rachelle, for your invaluable support and contributions to the ParentSquare Learning Network. We will miss you!

To our existing community members, we look forward to continuing this journey of learning alongside you, thanks for all your support and input over the past several years.

Posted Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Join the ParentSquare Learning Network
If you’re passionate about school-home communications and not yet a member, please subscribe here! We’ll send you monthly classroom and school/district tips, invites to live PD and networking events.



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