Updates to Daily Health Screening Forms


This summer we added daily Health Screening Forms for staff and students to ParentSquare, as part of our efforts to support our schools and districts during this challenging 2020-21 school year. Over the past month it’s been great to get feedback from customers, so we can make the feature even better!

Here are enhancements released to date. 

1. You can now add in your own custom questions! This is especially helpful if you have any additional questions you’d like to ask parents to fulfill state-specific or local requirements.

Gif showing how to add custom questions to ParentSquare’s health screening form

2. The “fever” question also has customizable features now — you can now input your own temperature threshold.

custom temperature threshold.gif

3. You can now choose between Celsius and Fahrenheit.

4. Forms are now available by default in Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese and Spanish (human-translated).

5. Optional student self-screening is now available via StudentSquare.

6. Staff can now screen all of their students quickly. This should make things easier for schools where staff are conducting all student screenings and they need students to appear in the dashboard.

7. All users with the Covid 19 User Permission will now get notified by email of any positive responses — this helps ensure that your staff stay on high alert without having to continuously check the dashboard. Please see the FAQ for more info.

8. A screening form URL shortcut is now available! You can use a dynamic link that can be sent to users as a reminder with a shortcut to the form.

If you’re a customer, login to learn more!

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