May Changelog: Admin Tab Redesign, Translate to Spanish Button, and More!

By Jennifer Dunn

Changelog is a roundup of what we’ve released in the last month! Here are the features and functionality we added in May:

Spanish Translation: ParentSquare Header

Single click expands translation options for parents

Users can now translate content on any page with ease by selecting “Español” within the header. This provides a fully translated ParentSquare experience for Spanish-speaking families.

Screenshot of ParentSquare’s Spanish translation button

Mobile Document Scanning (iOS App)

Save time for parents and staff

Users can now scan a document with the iOS app when adding an attachment to a form in ParentSquare. This is a convenient way to collect soft copies of permission slips or other documents from parents.

Screenshot showing how to attach a document in the ParentSquare app and example of how to scan a document in the ParentSquare app

Admin Tab Redesign

Simplifying student, class and grade administration

We merged the former Admin>Grades, Admin>Students, and Admin>Classes tabs into a new section called “Data Assistant”.

The cleaner interface makes it easier for ParentSquare Admins and Data Admins to search for students and classes. Admins can make all classes active or inactive with a few clicks.

Screenshot of the Data Assistant in the ParentSquare platform

Upload External Users to a Group via CSV

New Option to Add Members to a Group

School board members, after-school activity providers, student teachers, or interested community members can be added to groups in ParentSquare when a permitted user uploads a CSV file of names and email addresses.

Screenshot showing how to upload external users in ParentSquare with a CSV file 

We added this feature so schools and districts could include community members on newsletters or specific communications about the school. External users do not receive school-wide communication and only receive notifications if their group is selected as a recipient.

New Post Stats

When creating a post, users now have access to metrics on the right that provide insight into whether digest settings should be applied to the post. Our team can help your district set all users to digest, which can prevent message fatigue and ultimately strengthen communication with your parent community.

Screenshot of ParentSquare’s post stats and notification options

Translations for Add-On Content

Extend translation capabilities to your forms, payments, volunteer sign-ups.  

Post creators can now translate add-on content, in addition to post content, to provide a seamless sign-up and payment process for ELL families. The translated text can be reviewed or customized before being sent. Add-on translations are available for Sign Up Lists, Volunteer Lists, and Payments.

Screenshot showing ParentSquare’s translation capabilities for add-ons

Set Caller ID for Smart Alerts from the App

Ability to Select “From Number” When Sending a Smart Alert in the iOS App

When sending a Smart Alert, schools have the option to display a saved number on the caller ID. This helps parents identify the department that sent the Smart Alert and displays the correct line if they call back with questions.

Smart Alert creators can select the “From Number” to display as the caller ID for incoming phone calls to recipients, as shown below.

Screenshot showing how to change “From Number” for Smart Alerts in ParentSquare app 

This functionality is now available in the iOS ParentSquare app.

Annual Rollover Update

Increased control and more tools for annual rollover

ParentSquare has improved the rollover process for both Syncing and Self-Managed schools and districts.

For Syncing Schools/Districts, we now support:

  • Ability to select a date to resume sync

  • Ability to select date and time class lists are announced

  • District visibility into dates completed at school level

Screenshot of “Rollover Form” in Rollover Assistant in the ParentSquare platform

For Self-Managed Schools, we now support a “Move Students” function that moves all students out of their current classes and up a grade level.

Screenshot of the “Move students” function in ParentSquare’s Rollover Assistant

Teachers Manage Class Update

Increased Privacy for Parent and Student Data 

This update moves the Class, Staff and Student/Parent management option to the Admin > Data Assistant menu. Teachers still have easy access to students, parents, and classes, but these items are managed in a different location to increase data privacy.

Within Admin > Data Assistant > Students, click the action menu to view parent information.

Screenshot showing how to view parent information through the Data Assistant menu in ParentSquare platform

Within Admin > Data Assistant > Classes: click the action menu to edit a Class or manage Class Staff (adding a room parent or assistant).

Screenshot showing how to edit a class or manage class staff in ParentSquare’s Data Assistant

Notification Preferences

Users can now edit and set notification preferences directly from a notification without being signed into ParentSquare.

Screenshot of ParentSquare’s notification settings button

Screenshot showing how to update notification settings in ParentSquare

My Account Update

The “My Account” screen has been updated for easy access to school(s) and/or students in the ParentSquare mobile apps.

Screenshot of “My Account” screen in the ParentSquare app

Additional Changes

District Pinned Posts: To highlight important announcements, District Admin can now pin (and unpin) posts at the school level or at the district level.

Enhanced Language Preferences: We added support for displaying right to left languages such as Arabic, Persian/Farsi, Hebrew and Urdu and parents can now choose to receive ParentSquare notifications in Urdu.

App Updates: 

  • Post summary now shows a “filled bubble” on both iOS and Android devices if you have commented on a post. We hope this helps you better keep track of your interactions.

  • Persian and Urdu have been added as optional languages within settings in the iOS app.

eSchoolData Update: Schools who sync with us via the eSchoolData API now have the option to sync incoming/registered students. To load these students, please reach out to ParentSquare Support.

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