How are learning simulations ideal for professional development — especially when in-person PD isn’t an option? In what ways can simulations prepare educators and staff for situations before they face them in real life?

Join us for an on-demand webinar by Ken Spero, CEO of Ed Leadership Sims.
Ed Leadership Sims provides great, online PD opportunities for K-12 leadership to critically think about decision-making and it’s impact in relation to specific scenarios. At ParentSquare, we support school leaders and educators tackling multiple stakeholders’ needs everyday — especially those who leverage school-home communications for parent engagement — while making it easier for everyone involved.
In this webinar, Ken ran an actual school closure simulation with attendees, to give us a first-hand understanding. Participants worked together to contemplate and make decisions. We explored the impact learning simulations can have for staff and educators facing both everyday and complex situations, by preparing staff and educators for situations before facing them in real life.
Watch the webinar on-demand now.
The live webinar took place on Thursday, May 7th at 12 pm PDT/3pm EDT.