Webinar: Serving Your K-12 Community During a Crisis and Beyond

How do we communicate during a crisis to keep everyone connected and informed? What are the best channels to use? Why is great school-home communication so important during an emergency situation?

Slide of ParentSquare webinar about communicating during a crisis, with headshot of K-12 communications leader

Watch the ParentSquare Learning Network session with Melanie Corona, PIO of Gilroy USD.

Last month, Melanie Corona shared with our ParentSquare Learning Network how Gilroy Unified School District responded to a number of crises affecting their school community — from a community tragedy, to wildfire scenarios, to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this webinar recording, Melanie recounts how she and their district weathered events such as the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting, shares actionable ideas for school-home communications training and planning, and explains the impact that great school-home communication can have in tough times. She also explores how to establish strong relationships with families and parents, and how those relationships can be helpful during a crisis situation.

Posted Thursday, October 15, 2020

Watch the webinar now!

The webinar took place on Thursday, September 24th, 2020.

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