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Teacher Appreciation Week Is Here: Write a Thank You Note! (Updated)

It’s almost Teacher Appreciation Week, and we at ParentSquare have researched some ideas to help you write a thank you note to your child’s teacher. Send it via ParentSquare or bring them a card along with flowers or a gift card, and bring a smile to their face 😊


I wanted to drop by this little note to tell you just how much you’re appreciated! I know that sometimes teaching a classroom full of 5th graders may seem like a thankless job. You might sometimes feel more like a referee, babysitter and counselor with all the girl drama, rivalry and hormones this age group is experiencing. But all of the love, time, and long hours you invest in your students has not gone unnoticed. I feel so grateful that my daughter has you as her teacher this year. Academically you are creating super stars of each one of them. Thank you so much for everything you do each and every day.

What a wonderful year it’s been! As Sarah’s Student Government teacher you have been such an amazing inspiration to her. Thank you so much for all the school, social, and college advice you’ve given to her this year. As you know, some of it has been really life changing for her. I am sure she will always look back at this time in my life very fondly and remember you as being one of her most important mentors. We surely will!

At the beginning of the school year Jenna started out as a shy freshman. It was really hard going to school knowing no one. We feel blessed that she enrolled in your algebra class and had you as her teacher. Because of your friendship, mentoring, and after-school math club she has been able to adjust more quickly to this high-achieving academic environment. Between the chaos of moving and the drama that comes with high school, she has really grown leaps and bounds both socially and academically. We give you a lot of credit for this. Your advice and belief in her as a student has really pushed her forward and given her the confidence she needed to find my own way. Thank you so much for everything. You are a fantastic mentor.

Words alone cannot express our gratitude for all the time you spent tutoring our child after school. He was really struggling in Geometry and felt completely lost and discouraged. But because of your help he now has a firm understanding of basic concepts. Although he’ll need to repeat this class next year, I believe he’ll find himself on much firmer ground. Thank you so much for your skilled teaching and patience. You’re one of those very special teachers that in the future students will look back and remember with fondness and appreciation.


Thanks a million!

Thank you for welcoming me as a volunteer in your third-grade classroom. This wonderful experience gave me a unique birds-eye view of the educational happenings inside the classroom. The enthusiasm and joy you have for teaching creates a fantastic atmosphere for learning. The patience you have for your students, especially the ones who struggle to keep up, is truly amazing. You’ve really set the bar high for my expectations from teachers in the years ahead! And thank you so much for the beautiful volunteer gift. I really appreciate the hand-carved wooden flowers painted in beautiful colors. They’ve already found a comfortable home on my kitchen window sill. Thank you again for a great year!


With bouquets of gratitude,

Thank you so much for going the extra mile to help the students in your science class understand the course material and develop a real enthusiasm for learning. They’re discovering that principals taught in the classroom have real-world applications. As a parent I greatly appreciate the new after-school science club you started to help your students prepare their projects for the upcoming Science Fair at the state capitol. Thank you for energizing my son about school. Since David has been in your class he’s come home every night ready to study and complete his homework. My husband and I have noticed that he has increased self-confidence about his ability to learn and understand new concepts and achieve higher grades in all his classes across the board.


Thanks for being an awesome teacher!


Our family feels blessed to have had you as our daughter’s 4th grade teacher. She has come a long way under your kind and patient teacher’s wing. Thank you for all you’ve done for every one of the students in your class. We know that each day you put in many unpaid and unseen hours at school and at home correcting papers, preparing curriculum and performing other vital tasks. We greatly appreciated your commitment and dedication to your students. Thank you so much for a fantastic and memorable school year!

Your courage, patience and commitment to understand, motivate and inspire the students in your 5th grade class to become good citizens and become excited about learning has not gone unnoticed. Although my son is in the gifted program in another classroom with another teacher, I want you to know that what’s happening inside your classroom has yielded amazing results outside the classroom as well. Parents, teachers, and students are all talking about this huge positive change. We’ve noticed that since you’ve arrived at our school and have become the new 5th grader teacher, this group of students has become more respectful in the cafeteria and on the playground. Bullying has significantly decreased, and there are less behavioral issues overall. Your students are participating in more after-school programs, including our PTA-sponsored homework club. We all know that many of these children are at-risk youth who come from very difficult family situations. The sense of responsibility, confidence and increased self-esteem you are gifting these children is a beautiful thing. Thank you so much for bringing your unique teaching style to our school and being one of the best teachers we have on campus. We feel so lucky to have you here.


You’re a rock star!

“We Love You Teacher” written on chalkboard graphic 

Woo-hoo! Another great school year has come to an end. Thank you so much for shepherding your class toward scholastic achievement and success. I was thrilled to hear that next year you’ll be moving up a grade along with your students. I feel so lucky that you’ll continue to be his teacher. You have a special knack for keeping the kids motivated and excited about learning new things. Thanks again for a fun school year with plenty of terrific field trips. It was an educational adventure! Many good wishes are sent your way for a delightful summer break.

Thank you so much for such a fabulous school year! Because of your incredible teaching style my son has begun to love math and science, subjects he was previously struggling in. From speaking with other parents I learned that across the board your students’ test scores rose dramatically from the previous year. I credit your patience, your classroom’s upbeat vibe and your staunch belief in each of your students’ ability to achieve great things. You are such a beloved teacher by students and parents alike. Next year we’re going to miss having you as his teacher.

Thank you for being such a wonderful and loving preschool teacher. You made Emily’s first experience going to school fun and exciting! She absolutely loved circle time when you would sing with the children and read beautiful stories to them. Her time with you fueled her sense of wonder and amazement about our world. With the reasoning, motor, academic and social skills she’s learned in preschool Emily is fully prepared to attend kindergarten in the fall. I look forward to seeing her grow and bloom while soaking up new information and experiences like a little sponge. Thank you so much for a fantastic year!


With great appreciation,

Thanks for being such an excellent middle school teacher, mentor and friend to each of your students. You instilled them with the motivation and drive they need to achieve academic success as they enter high school. By equipping them with study tools and an efficient organizational framework for improved productivity, you’ve given them a gift that will keep on giving. You were my son’s favorite teacher. Thanks for a stellar year!

The week before school started when I saw the posting of classroom lists for teachers and students, I knew my daughter had hit the jackpot! You are such a beloved teacher with a lot of experience and a fantastic teaching style. After a year under your wing Nikki’s test scores have improved by over 45% from the previous year. We are so extremely proud of her academic growth and achievements. She now has a renewed sense of happiness about school, homework, and her ability to comprehend difficult coursework. During our last parent/teacher conference we were delighted to hear that she is actually performing above grade level. What a remarkable turn around in one short year! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all the wonderful things you’ve done for Nikki and her classmates. You are a teacher that will be remembered fondly.

Having you as my daughter’s teacher this past year was a true blessing. Your kind ways bring out the best in each of your students. Thank you also for introducing the children to works of charity by involving them in projects such as coat and blanket donations for the homeless, and collecting canned food during the holidays for the food bank. My daughter has learned a great deal this year, and we appreciate you more than words can express. Thank you for being a fantastic teacher!

When my son sat down to write a teacher thank you note showing his gratitude to you for being his kindergarten teacher, he realized that one thank you note was just not enough! So we both embarked on a fun project. We filled a little jar with short thank you note phrases that express our appreciation for kindnesses you’ve shown him throughout the school year. Each thank you note is filled with love and sincerity. We began by thinking back to his first day of school in September when you welcomed him and made him feel loved and at home in your classroom. Then we worked forward month by month remembering wonderful classroom field trips, fundraisers, and various special events that were all remarkable experiences because of you. We hope you enjoy this little jar of happiness and that it makes you smile. We want you to know that you make a real difference in your students’ lives.


Many beautiful wishes for a great summer!

This past school year has been absolutely amazing! This year my son has learned to love math and science. Your teaching methods and math strategies really connect with the children. They feel empowered and successful, and they’re motivated to reach new heights. Thank you also for being so patient and kind. The kids grew leaps and bounds this year, and as parents we have you to thank. Our family hopes you have a relaxing and rejuvenating summer, and your vacation to Italy is fantastic!

What a fabulous year! The time flew by in the blink of an eye. Thank you for being such an awesome teacher. As parents we really appreciated the great communication you had with each of us. The love and kindness the children showed you and one another was a direct result of your respectful classroom practices. Our child loved your beautiful classroom decorations, and the warm learning environment you provided for your students. I wish there was some way you could move up a grade level with these kiddos so we could all enjoy another great year together. Next year we’ll be sure to drop by your classroom to say hello.


Have a great summer!

What a whirlwind year! So many amazing things happened this year. The kids’ matured so much, their test scores hit an all-time high, and more than half of your students were on the Principal’s Honor Roll. Thank you for being such a fantastic teacher! Your positive energy, vibrance and contagious smile made your students look forward to going to school and learning new things. Your unique teaching style brought the low-end of the spectrum up while still satisfying the high achievers and helping them reach new heights. From my time volunteering in your classroom I saw first-hand what a difficult balancing act that could be!


A million thanks for a wonderful school year.

Thank you so much for the extra time you spent helping my daughter after school with reading. After missing so much school last year because of her illness and medical treatments, it broke my heart to see her slipping behind her peers academically. Although my husband and I are very devoted to working with her at home, your teaching methods really resonated with her. The extra help she received from you was instrumental in helping her learn to read as smooth and clear as glass. Our family appreciates you more than words can say! Next year we’ll miss you.


With appreciation and gratitude,

Our family cannot thank you enough for everything you’ve done for our son this year. To your team of awesome instructors we say: thank you teachers from the bottom of our hearts! As a student with ADHD we know what a handful this kiddo can be. Your time, patience and sheer kindness was appreciated more than words can say. We are now confident that he is ready for high school. I envy your middle-school students next year, because when it comes to a phenomenal group of teachers – you’re the best!

Thank you for such a wonderful school year! Our daughter really lucked out having you as her 3rd grade teacher. You provide your students with a warm and welcoming classroom environment that gives them room to grow. My daughter really enjoyed being in your class. She gained the confidence she needed to bloom socially and advance academically. As parents it was so awesome to see this progress. Thanks for everything. You’re the best teacher ever!

Thank you so much for believing in our son’s ability to accomplish great things in life and for guiding him through the college application process. We also appreciate that you wrote several letters of recommendation for him. Those should really help. He was quite nervous in the beginning, but your continued reassurance that with his good grades, volunteer activities, and the small art-lesson business that he runs after school, he should be accepted into several universities has put his and our mind at ease. As soon as he receives his college acceptance letters, we’ll share the good news with you right away!


Our sincerest thanks for all you’ve done,


I want you to know how grateful we are to have you as Emily’s teacher this year. You plan so many great activities and field trips, and your teaching style really engages the kids, and gets them pumped up and excited about learning. It’s wonderful to see Emily come home in a very happy mood, with wonderful things to say about you, and eager to share what she’s learned in class that day. I appreciate all of your hard work, and the positive learning environment you provide for your students.


Thank you for all your hard work this year. Britt loves school and it’s easy to see why. We hear all about the dynamic way you deliver lessons and encourage participation and are pleased that our daughter is learning so much.


Enjoy the rest of the school year. You’re doing a fantastic job!

We feel so lucky to have gotten you as a teacher this year.  Abby loved your class from the start and never grew bored.  You helped her get organized, motivated, and above all, interested in learning, which is no small feat.  The whole family thanks you!


Have a great summer.  You deserve it!



We are so happy that our child is enjoying preschool. It’s not easy to send your first child to school, but seeing what a ball he/she is having makes it a breeze. And we know we have you to thank for that. The activities you plan, the room you decorate, the friendships you help foster – it’s all incredible, and it’s helping our child (and us!) believe that school is fun, which is incredibly important.

I want you to know how grateful we are to have you as the teacher of our children. Your teaching style really engages the kids and gets them pumped up and excited about learning. It’s wonderful to see them coming home in a very happy mood, with wonderful things to say about you, and eager to share what they`ve learned in class that day. I appreciate all of your hard work, and the positive learning environment you provide for your students.

The loving ways of teachers like you are the difference between teaching and educating. Thanks for teaching our children, educating them and empowering them. Classrooms can survive without iPads and computers, but never without inspirational teachers. Thank you for being the irreplaceable teacher that you are.

The loving ways of teachers like you are the difference between teaching and educating. Thanks for teaching our children, educating them and empowering them. Classrooms can survive without iPads and computers, but never without inspirational teachers. Thank you for being the irreplaceable teacher that you are.

Thank you. You have made a great difference for all of our children. Because you care so much about them, you have directed them to trust themselves in all that they do and to become all that they dream.

Just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate the work you do every day. I know we don`t say it enough, but you’re the best teacher, our children could possibly have. Thanks!

I hope you know what a wonderful teacher you are. We sure do, and we appreciate it more than words can say. Our children have gone through so many positive changes, and we know that a lot of it is due to your loving guidance. Please keep being yourself and doing what you do!

I want to express my appreciation for your excellent work caring for my children. The difference you’re making in my life is immeasurable. Thank you for everything you have done for my children in the last two years.

I feel so blessed to have a teacher like you for my child. I am a witness on how dedicated you are in teaching your students and I feel relieved that you are the one who will be nurturing her/his future. Thank you and may you keep up the good work!

Thank you very much for being such a good teacher to my child. As a parent, I know perfect teachers are hard to find, but for me, you are the best teacher for my child. Thank you for your love and care you are giving to my child each day. I truly appreciate that. Thank you!

Thank you for all your hard work this year. Our child loves school and it’s easy to see why. We hear all about the dynamic way you deliver lessons and encourage participation and are pleased that our daughter is learning so much.

No card could ever hold all the thanks we want to give to you for your mentorship. Thank you for being a teacher and friend for our children.

It’s so comforting to see that someone like you is around to keep an eye on my child’s safety and ensure that they are happy and entertained while I’m away. Thank you so much for going above and beyond.

The school year has now come to an end. I’d like to express my gratitude for your dedication and patience You have given to my kid during her/his school year in your class. Thank you!

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