Add One-Touch-Per-Month to your New Year Resolutions

As a parent, you would love to hear tips, reminders, and good news from your child’s teachers no matter how old they get! So as an educator, we invite you to think about sending one post a month to parents! It can be quick and simple. See how 🙂

For a killer 🔥 communication post to families, include the following

  1. Unit being studied in class – parents may not be checking the grade book

  2. One-line discussion topics or questions to ask — for conversation starters

  3. Upcoming dates, events and any reminders — yeah, thank you!

  4. Request supplies or volunteers — we all love a chance to help

  5. Pictures, pictures, more pictures — everyone loves seeing class pictures.

Here are a couple of examples:

Happy New Year Families,

We had an extraordinary week back to our new school year. I noticed that students were excited to get back to work.

We will begin a new rotation in the science lab on and I look forward to sharing the students’ fabulous projects. The science fair will be in March and students will begin to pick their topic of interest.

Important Dates
• No School – Monday, January 15th Martin Luther King Day
• Accelerated Reader period ends – Friday, January 19th
• Winter Conferences – February 13th-16th – watch for conference sign-up post next week

Feel free to direct message me if you have any questions.

Ms. Smith,

Happy New Year Families,

I sincerely appreciate your efforts to support our classroom lessons and extensions. We have three more weeks remaining in the semester and your students are doing a great job.

In-Class Topics to Discuss with Your Students: (It is my hope that if you have this window into our class work, you can find ways to hear more about your students’ learning and thinking.

  1. Students finished Chains this week and wrote a paragraph explanatory response about the theme of the novel. Ask your student what the main message of the novel is, or how he/she learned more about this historical period through Isabel or Curzon’s perspective.
  2. This week, students will write a document-based argument about whether or not they would have re-enlisted as a soldier during the American Revolutionary War. Most students are choosing to quit rather than re-enlist. Speak to your child about his/her choice and the documents that most influenced his/her decision.
  3. Next week we will be comparing selected songs from the Hamilton musical with other secondary accounts of Alexander Hamilton and the American Revolution.
  4. Remind your student that final semester grades are submitted on Friday, January 19th. Please encourage your son or daughter to review his/her assignments and complete or re-submit work if necessary.

Things We Need:

  1. We still need more volunteers for the Winter Formal. Please consider volunteering on the Winter Formal post.
  2. Students need to have functioning headphones in class. Please remind them that it is a school supply. If they forget/need a new pair, they may purchase them from the office for $2.00.

❤, Ms. Pelle,

If you have any communication success stories of your own, please share them with us. We would love to read them and share them with our ParentSquare community.

Also, a few months ago we wrote a blog post For Teachers: Why Should I Communicate With Parents. That is a good read as well.

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