Partner with your Parent Community

  • Graphic of hands shaking

Create a PARTNERSHIP with parents and work together towards a common goal. It is important to take time to listen and gather information form your stakeholders with two-way communication and feedback mechanisms. Here are some ways a few of our schools exemplify this. Try a post like this at your school!

Parent Opinion Matters

Solicit feedback from your parent community. A single question poll elicits quick response from a larger set. We have seen leaders ask school communities about site funds spending, school beautification ideas, healthy snack thoughts and more. Polls allow you to quickly engage with parents and gather their feedback. Here is an example of a teacher polling parents at the class level to get immediate feedback and take action.

Opportunity To Provide Positive Feedback

It is important to open up the lines of communication to have two-way dialogue with your parent community. Parents appreciate being able to give real-time feedback on school messages. The principal here sends out weekly habits focussed on student and family success. He typically gets lots of positive feedback and creates synergy with parents.

Communicate About Strategic Plans

Share your goals for your school or your class and empower parents to engage and be a part of the development process. This message shows a school that created a town-hall style meeting, inviting parents to give feedback and take part in the development of a strategic plan.

The key take-away today is to partner with parents at your school, provide oppurtunities for two-way communication and make it easy for parents to participate and give feedback. Studies show that better communication leads to increased parental support for school’s initiative and programs!

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