Streamline Attendance With ParentSquare

Photo by FangXiaNuo/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by FangXiaNuo/iStock / Getty Images

Why We Care

“The very students who tend to face significant challenges and need the most educational supports are often missing the most school.” – US Department of Education

Attendance is important. No parent wants their child to miss school, and no school wants to lose funding over simple miscommunications.

A report by the Attorney General of California revealed that more than 1.8 million state students were Truant in the 2012-2013 school year. Of those 1.8 million, 40% were elementary students.

Reports also show that frequent absences from school can have a number of negative impacts on adulthood. This includes poverty, diminished health, and more involvement in the criminal justice system.

So when schools and parents work together, students are the real winners. Regular attendance and a good education are key a child’s success later in life.

What ParentSquare Can Do For Your School

When you send out attendance notifications with ParentSquare, you know you’re getting through. And if you’re not, you’ll know that too.

It all starts with the way we reach parents. ParentSquare pushes attendance notifications through as text messages, emails, ParentSquare alerts and app notifications. If the text message fails, a voice message will be sent instead.

Responding from an app notification

Responding from an app notification

All messages that get sent out are customized to best suit the school’s needs. Choose the attendance code, the time to call, and the school’s contact information and ParentSquare takes care of the rest

From there, parent responses are also made easy. At the end of all voice messages is the school’s phone number, which parents can then dial and report any excused absence. With texts, emails, alerts and app notifications parents have the option to reply directly to the school. No phone call required.

parent notification piechart that comes with daily report

parent notification piechart that comes with daily report

Now we can focus on how the school deals with these replies. Every day, ParentSquare provides schools with detailed  attendance reports. They show how many parents were successfully reached and any changes made to the student attendance.  Schools can also see how many students were tardy and how many were absent for that day.

Streamline attendance, minimize maintenance, and make communication easier. That’s what ParentSquare is all about.

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