100% Reach — Registered vs Unregistered Users

We want to help you reach 100% of your families when, where and how they want to their communication. Today we will expand on registered vs unregistered parents as well as look at tools we have in ParentSquare to help you see who is not receiving your posts to your school community.

Do families need to be registered to receive a ParentSquare post?
Parents do not need to register to receive notifications. Every family member with a Parentsquare account gets your post via email or text whether they are registered or not. Unregistered email users can also appreciate and sign-up for items.  However, to access attachments or comment, users need to be logged in. Unregistered text users can view the post but will need to activate their account and login to appreciate, sign-up, comment or access attachments.

Parents do not need an invitation email to activate their account, they will be redirected to the login screen if viewing a post and click to sign-up, comment, etc. Users can put in their email or phone number and an activation email or text will be sent. If the email or cell number does not match, they will select a school and the principal or a designated person will receive the email to invite the user.

Change who at your school gets the ‘”Join ParentSquare Request” if a user inputs an email/text not on file. Click Admin > School and input an email

What families are not receiving my posts?
To see which families are not receiving your posts, it is always a good idea to look at the delivery statistics after you send something out. Click on the gear/cog next to the title of your message and select “Delivery Stats.” You will see which email or texts were not delivered and update them in your student information system (Also update in ParentSquare if not on automated daily sync).

School admins can click on Apps > Registration to view a report of all missing or incorrect contact information. Update in student information system or on ParentSquare if a manual school

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