Educator Insights: The Habits of Caring and Citizenship

Principals are frequently a source of inspiration for families at their schools.  Some do this quietly in their daily interactions with students, parents and staff.  Others do it publicly during assemblies and PTA meetings.  When we’re lucky, however, they do it in writing on ParentSquare!

Mr. B is one such principal — his weekly parent updates for Almond Acres Charter School include both school news and a “habit of the week.”   He agreed to let us share this with our community!  Perhaps his words will inspire your communications through ParentSquare:

ParentSquare Original Entry: 

“Our new habit for next week is CARING. It’s a simple term with tremendous influence on our attitude and perception about life and learning. Here are some heart, mind, body, and soul examples of how we can nurture this habit in our children:

  • Heart – help a family member or friend with a simple chore.

  • Mind – take an extra minute to check your work for accuracy before completing an assignment.

  • Body – drink more water in lieu of sweet drinks.

  • Soul – spend some time in the classroom of silence to think about how you are unique and intelligent.

Caring is about taking time to show interest in the people around us, the things around us, and the person within us.”

ParentSquare Original Entry:

“Our habit for next week is CITIZENSHIP. We define citizenship here at AACA as our ability to be trustworthy, respectful, responsible, fair, and caring (five fingers). When we practice these traits we are strong citizens (clinched fist). Additionally, we encourage our young citizens to share their greatest intelligences with family, friends, class, and community. When we give the best of ourselves we find our greatest joy and success. Please share with your children how you love to share the best parts of who you are and how our community benefits from your citizenship.”

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