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September Changelog

Written by Zareena Zaidi

Linked to the App: Clicking on an email link in a phone notification now opens the page in the ParentSquare App.

High Payment Warning: New protection against accidentally making large payments by mistake. If a payment is over $5000, the user will need to confirm the amount by typing “OK” in order to proceed with the payment.

Updated Language Support: Along with the addition of Burmese as a supported language and added enhancements to our Punjabi language translation, we’ve revamped translations for posts to improve the user experience. To learn more, visit our new translations help page.


  • New feature-based permission for “Fundraiser Admin” — only those with this permission can view and manage Fundraisers.

  • You can now add individual admins to specific payment accounts.

App Enhancements:

  • Choose multiple photos at once when attaching photos to a new post

  • Attach videos to new posts

  • Classes are now listed in the app for teachers to see in the left-navigation menu

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  • Overall performance improvements
  • Updated Google Calendar sync
  • Enhanced automatic voice mail detection
  • Data sync improvements

If you are a ParentSquare user, you can get a more detailed description of our updates on our What’s New help page.

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