Written by Zareena Zaidi
Linked to the App: Clicking on an email link in a phone notification now opens the page in the ParentSquare App.
High Payment Warning: New protection against accidentally making large payments by mistake. If a payment is over $5000, the user will need to confirm the amount by typing “OK” in order to proceed with the payment.

Updated Language Support: Along with the addition of Burmese as a supported language and added enhancements to our Punjabi language translation, we’ve revamped translations for posts to improve the user experience. To learn more, visit our new translations help page.
New feature-based permission for “Fundraiser Admin” — only those with this permission can view and manage Fundraisers.
You can now add individual admins to specific payment accounts.
App Enhancements:
Choose multiple photos at once when attaching photos to a new post
Attach videos to new posts
Classes are now listed in the app for teachers to see in the left-navigation menu

- Overall performance improvements
- Updated Google Calendar sync
- Enhanced automatic voice mail detection
- Data sync improvements
If you are a ParentSquare user, you can get a more detailed description of our updates on our What’s New help page.